הייתי מתנדבת בקיבוץ היפה שלכם מזמן מזמן (1976-1978)
זו היתה התקופה היפה ביותר והבלתי נשכחת בחיי.
Shalom! I was a volunteer in your beautiful kibbutz a long time ago (1976-1978) - it was one of the most special and unforgettable periods of my life! I just was looking at all the Shiller information on this site (much!) and I noticed that my best girlfriend Cilla Eijsbroek / Cilla Thiescheffer (her maidenname and her marriage name) was put in the system with the wrong kibbutzmother. This was: Esther Mutal, Gabi`s mother! I don`t know if this can be changed? I hear Esther is livig in Shiller again, after being in Argentina for some time. But I hear she is doing not too well - I really hope she will get better soon. I have to stop now, but will register some time later
Best regards, Astrid Kloppenborg, Netherlands